Cleaning services

Speed, accuracy and effectiveness distinguish the services we offer.
Our experience and professionalism make us highly competitive and allow us to offer high quality services to both large and small businesses and individuals; both ordinary and extraordinary interventions, with the certainty of solving any cleaning and management problem.

Environmental sanitization

Our highly qualified personnel with the use of adequate equipment and the use of specific products guarantee the realization of…

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Derattling and disinfestation

Any location, external and/or internal, for civil, residential or industrial use may require such intervention to restore safety conditions

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It is an intervention defined as generally extraordinary, which usually goes to eliminate the dirt accumulated over time

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Cleaning condos

Condominiums are living spaces that, regardless of their size, turn out to be very frequented and characterized by the continuous passage of people.

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Civil and industrial cleaning

Specific instruments, professional means, materials and quality products are the standards we use to offer a wide range of ordinary

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Cleaning photovoltaic systems

Dust, debris, leaves and dirt can typically accumulate on photovoltaic panels and compromise productivity and efficiency.

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Cleaning windows

Whether it’s a large window in a large office, or shop windows in a store, glass cleaning is critical

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Environmental sanitization

Our highly qualified personnel with the use of adequate equipment and the use of specific products guarantee the realization of an excellent environmental sanitization service that allows the elimination of those pathogenic microorganisms responsible for allergies, infectious diseases and disorders of various kinds.

The sanitization operations we carry out are divided into several phases, with an initial cleaning and cleansing of the setting, the subsequent waiting phase in which the decrease in the density of microorganisms and the real sanitization of the environment is determined, through the use of suitable tools and equipment and disinfectant and sanitizing products.

Our sanitization service, suitable for each structure, is completely customized and organized based on the specific requests and needs of our customers.

Derattling and disinfestation

Any location, external and/or internal, for civil, residential or industrial use may require such intervention to restore safety conditions, completely alienating rodents and animals that may constitute a danger in terms of damage to property and persons and transmission of diseases to humans.

Given the complexity and importance of this type of intervention, our operators in charge of disinfestation and derattling carry out a first inspection in the area to be reclaimed, analyze the settings and decide what the most effective method of action can be, and after the intervention they check and carry out monitoring of the treated area to verify the success of the intervention itself.

Our interventions are safe for people and other animals both domestic and wild, and comply with the regulations governing the permitted solutions for the elimination of mice and rats.


It is an intervention defined as generally extraordinary, which usually goes to eliminate the dirt accumulated over time, through careful cleaning work in a situation of difficulty of execution (presence of residues of previous processing) with the aim of making an environment less raw (free from debris) without ruining surfaces and coatings. For all these and many other characteristics the roughing can only be carried out by competent and prepared staff, real professionals in the sector.

With the help of high tech machinery and the use of specific degreasing and dewailing detergents, our staff is able to carry out a thorough cleaning of all surfaces, quickly, economically and professionally.

Any intervention is preceded by an inspection for the preparation of a quote in which on the basis of your needs, the methods and conditions of intervention and the related costs will be indicated.

Cleaning condos

Condominiums are living spaces that, regardless of their size, turn out to be very frequented and characterized by the continuous passage of people.
Stairs, common areas, garages, elevators and cellars, just to name a few, are all spaces where dirt and bacteria easily accumulate, and where adequate cleaning is necessary, made by a qualified and attentive staff.

We put at your service our experience and professionalism, to offer you the best cleaning services.
The drafting of a personalized agreement will allow us to satisfy your requests and needs in terms of the number of interventions necessary, choice of the best times in which to carry out cleaning, identification of particular areas that need specific treatments, all carried out by our operators in a punctual, orderly and discreet way.

Civil and industrial cleaning

Specific instruments, professional means, materials and quality products are the standards we use to offer a wide range of ordinary, thorough and extraordinary cleaning services both corporate and private, depending on the needs of our customers.

We are able to manage cleaning services in all types of facilities, such as offices, industries, shopping/sports centers, gyms, condominiums, warehouses and buildings, offering coordinated and organized activities to optimize the work to be done to the maximum, reducing the necessary intervention times and related costs.

Our interventions are studied and planned directly with the customer, organized in such a way as to interfere to a minimum with daily activities, taking into account the type of structure and the functions carried out in it; cleaning in places for civil use, such as shops, banks, for example, have a not high level of dirt, but require frequent interventions for massive attendance; unlike industrial cleaning, more complex, are fundamental for the correct maintenance of industrial spaces and often require the use of specific machinery.

Cleaning photovoltaic systems

Dust, debris, leaves and dirt can typically accumulate on photovoltaic panels and compromise productivity and efficiency.
Since in most cases the systems consist of modules connected in series, a single module (panel) dirty or darkened is enough to strongly limit the operation of the entire system.

The cleaning of the photovoltaic system is not a mandatory intervention according to the law, but is strongly recommended: the properly cleaned panels manage to capture a greater amount of energy, which will then be transformed into electricity for domestic use, resulting in reduced costs and increased savings.

For this reason we offer our expertise in the sector both for on-call interventions and to agree on periodic maintenance interventions based on your needs.

Cleaning windows

Whether it’s a large window in a large office, or shop windows in a store, glass cleaning is critical; inside it allows you to work better with more light, on the outside it strengthens the corporate image in terms of care and prestige and conceptually constitutes the business card of your company.

The choice of quality products, the use of accurate systems and the availability of mechanical aids, if necessary, allow us to offer high quality standards for an accurate cleaning of any type of glazing, which allows these surfaces to return to shine, without halos and / or residual drops and for a long time.

We offer internal and external glazed cleaning service, in locations for both civil and commercial use, paying particular attention in the treatment of surfaces that are subject to the effect of weathering and smog.